FDA Approved ADHD Testing

The QB test is a diagnostic screening tool which provides objective information to aid the assessment of ADD/ADHD. The test uses age and gender matched comparisons to assess a client’s ability to concentrate, their movement and impulsivity.

This testing allows our providers to more accurately diagnose ADHD. This increased accuracy not only will help you feel more confident in your diagnosis and treatment needs, It will help your provider to address your personal areas of need. With the increased information gained from the QB test we are better equipped to make personalized treatment recommendations.

What to expect during testing

The test will last 15/20mins dependent on your age.

  • sit in front of a computer screen
  • a soft flexible head band will be placed around your head with a reflective ball attached to measure your movement during the test
  • you will hold the responder button in one of your hands
  • you will click in response to certain shapes you see on the screen
  • the test will automatically end after the required time

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